
Welcome to our St Giles Preschool website

We are so glad you have found us and hope that you find all you are looking for in us for your child(ren).

Our charity run preschool is situated in the heart of West Bridgford, a minute’s walk from Central avenue, based in the historic Lutterell Hall. We are a very well established setting, providing first class early years child care in the community for almost 50 years. We are registered with Ofsted, our number is 253431 and you can read our last report here.

Our Mission

St Giles Preschool aims to provide a caring, safe and happy environment where children come to learn through play, make friends and become more independent in readiness for school and life. We provide a warm, welcoming and nurturing environment; where children have fun, form relationships and learn through play and hands on activities, whilst gaining confidence and social skills.

We are a term-time only setting with preschool provision.  

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 3.00 pm 

Morning sessions  9am to 12noon. 

Afternoon sessions 12noon to 3:00pm.

We welcome all children to our pre-school, including those with special needs and disabilities. We have a trained designated Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) officer and a Speech and Language Lead. We support early speech and communication development and use makaton daily. We work closely with parents/carers and outside agencies to support all our SEND children to ensure continuity and reinforcement of strategies that help the child.
The pre-school committee looks at staffing and resources with regard to providing each child with the best possible learning environment. Additionally, we schedule and host a number of fundraising events and activities with all proceeds going to the preschool to ensure we continue to deliver the best care, fun, resources and environment for all the children to enjoy.

We welcome any requests to visit and look around our setting. If you wish to arrange this, please contact our preschool manager, Rosemary, on: 07434 047956.

If you are interested in enrolling your child please visit our enrolment page.

Care is exceptional.  Learning opportunities are excellent and very well organised. Staff are incredibly caring. They have created a very nurturing environment at Preschool.

Parent to toddler 31 months

She loves attending St Giles and is very excited every day that she knows she is going – the staff are incredibly caring and dedicated

Parent to Elsie